Cathedral Caverns

Good gosh we had no idea what we were about to see as we drove up the hill to Woodville, AL. We had heard there was a great bat cave with one of the largest stalagmites in the world. The massive entrance is 25′ high and 126′ wide. The trail is 1.5 miles round trip and the tour lasts roughly 90 minutes. Admission is unbelievable, only $20 for adults, 5-12 years of age $8, discounts available for Schools, Groups and Military. We chose an afternoon tour, with reservation, as the field trips are in the mornings. Take the time, make a reservation, Cathedral Caverns State Park will surprise you!

The massive, impressive entrance.

The Experience

It’s nice and cool, 60 degrees, all year around inside so dress appropriately. Our group consisted of about 20 people, some followed our guide Ella closely and some lingered here and there. No worries, it’s a out and back trail, well lit, handicapped accessible with some restrictions and despite some wet spots, it’s not slippery. Ella shared the story of the discovery, opening to the public by explorer developer Jacob Gurley and the operation by the State since 1987.

Along our way deeper into the cave we are fascinated by the formations of stalagmites and stalactites. Some are cartoon like or grouped together look like cities. Sea sponges form a line along the wall and sharks teeth (7) have been discovered in the ceiling high above.


Stalagmite – It’s on the floor, you might trip on it. Stalactite – It’s on the ceiling, holding on tight. Soda Straw – a speleothem, a hollow mineral cylindrical tube. Cavern – a natural void large enough for a human to enter.

We rounded the corner and standing in a shallow puddle is one of the largest stalagmites in the world. Goliath stands 45 feet tall and 243 feet in circumference!

We enter Shadowland and step by step we continued to be amazed with the best yet to come.

Deep into the cave now we enter the Stalagmite Forest.

Some folks have gotten married right there! This is certainly a highlight of the cave tour but there’s another surprise at the end of the trail.

The Welcome Center includes a gift shop with snacks. Tent campsites are available and there is a bath house. There are also two picnic pavilions and picnic tables at the Welcome Center also. To see it all, make a reservation and ask Ella to take you there! Thanks Ella!

637 Cave Rd. Woodville, AL 35776

Phone 1 (256) 888-0230

9 am – 5:30 pm

Thanks for following! We hope to see you at the campsite. Richard & Mary

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It’s nice to meet you.

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